Filming Blog: first Recording session

 I decided to start recording some scenes after I got off from work, which was at night. I chose night time to record because I thought it fit better with the genre of my film. After work once I got home, I started to prepare to record by getting my costume and props ready. I dressed In an orange shirt and blue jeans for the main character I would be portraying for the first few scenes. The prop that I used was a flashlight because of most of the scenes happening at night. 

On the night of Saturday, feb 10 I got my mom to help me set up for filming. I got my clothes and my prop ready to record, but some problems arose when filming. Me and my mom had a little bit of communication issues. For example, when she was filming me,  and I asked her to film an over the shoulder shot and when we filmed it it didn't look right the first time. So after this, we re-recorded that scene a few more times because in the first take my mom recorded too much of my shoulder.

The next few times we recorded that scene we still ran into repeated problems. Which were that my mom didn't capture my shoulder in the second take, and just captured the area in front of me. I explained to her after a few failed attempts at a good take that she had to record some of my shoulder and the background in front of me. After, explaining this, we finally finished recording that scene.

Then, in a few other scenes my mom tried giving me advice, like showing more emotion in the takes we were filming. We also talked together to come up with how we should record each scene so it would look good on camera. For example, There is a scene I have to film in our greenhouse but it was hard to film that segment because it had to look like I was peering into the green house from far away. Although me and my mom figured out how to film that scene by making me walk over from far away to the greenhouse and bend over to look into it. After that and some more advice from my mom we finished recording 6 segments on the opening sequence.



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