Planningfor my music video(Music video)
The song that I'm using is called: "Gotta Catch them all" by Jason Paige Props I might use might be a pokeball, along with some plushies or my dogs to represent pokemon. Along with binoculars. My costume will include a gray hoodie, grey shirt, Black gloves, Blue jeans, Black shoes or Blue shoes, A white or Navy Hat. My schedule for recording might consist of some days from Oct 15-25 and Preparation for this will probably happen before Oct 15. Editing might happen on days close to Nov 1. The location of the Video will consist of Areas near/close to my house or in my house. The Backup plan for if anything goes wrong- 1. Don't panic, 2. If i can't record with my phone I'll ask my mom to borrow hers, 3. If some of my clothing is in the wash when I need to record, either find something different to wear for the video, or wait till the laundry is finished, 4. If I cannot record on certain days then I'll try to record before hand, but if necessary I'll reco...
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