Production Blog: recording first few videos for MV

 Myself, assisted by my mom started to record my first few videos on Oct 22, 2023 for my music video. Before I started to record my music video I had to get my props and costume ready. My costume included a gray hoodie, grey shirt, Black gloves, Blue jeans, Blue shoes,  Navy Hat. My props included a pair of old binoculars, a toy pokeball, and one pokemon plushie. My mom and I recorded the first few videos outside in our backyard.

When we were recording each take, dogs from the neighbor's yard were barking. The barking of the dogs made it difficult to record each take without having dogs barking in the background. Also, while my mom and I were recording I had problems with expressing my actions in each scene. For example, when I was running in one scene, my mom and I realized the way I ran didn't look real. After we realized this we rerecorded this to make this scene better with each take we recorded. 

Also, there was the smell of poop in the backyard while my mom was helping me record, it was very distracting. Another fact while I was recording with my mom ,was the fact that it was nerve wracking but I did finish with her assistance. Overall my mom helped me a lot during this recording session by helping me with improvements on what I should do to make the recording better and being confident with myself. We worked together to get the videos recorded well by noon of Oct 22, 2023. She also sent me all the videos we recorded today when we were finished.

Another fact was that my brother was being generous for lending me his Bulbasaur Plusie for my music video. I realized after recording that there was a lot of dog barking in some of my videos my mom helped me to record. I am probably going to find someway to mute all background noise in these videos or replace it with something else. I am going to combine all the videos together when I am completely done recording for my final music video. In the end then I'll add the song: "Gotta catch them all" sung by Jason Paige from youtube.


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