Production Blog: recording more videos for MV

 I Planned to record a few parts for my music video the Sunday of last week. It was on October 29 that I started to record and revise the way I was going to record. I planned on recording and revising after my Chinese class. But, While I was in my Chinese class my mom and I realized my teacher's house had a power outage and was unable to teach me for that day. After this happened I decided to go and revise my story board and what I would like to record.

I went to my computer during this process to rewatch the pokemon theme, to see what I would need to change. I was planning to ask my mom to help me with recording but she wasn't feeling well. She said she would've been able to help me after A while after she rested in her bed. So she rested and I was rewatching the pokemon theme, but I realized after a while that it would be better if I did the recording with my brother instead. I asked him to help me record but he was so impatient to get it done so he could go back to playing on his computer.

I made a deal with him that if he helped me record, I'll let him use my credit card for online currency because he was doing good in school. So he helped me record the first video in the hallway, and I also had to ask him to take multiple takes of this video because I needed for him to zoom in a little more for that video. Afterwards, it took me a while to film to scene after this because I had too revise what I was going to do in this scene. My brother helped me record for the scene after that one as well. Afterwards, I still needed my mom to record on last scene for my music video.

For this scene, I needed a second person to be in the scene so I needed my mom to help me record. I waited till my mom woke up from sleeping to ask her to help me to record. Once she woke up my mom, my brother, and I recorded the video in the living room. My brother didn't want to help me record so it took us a little longer to record. Once he was able to help me record my mom recorded a few times before we decided that it looked good.


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