Research blog: Music Video Conventions
My song that I chose was the Pokemon theme song
Camera angle-
- scene 8 had a eye level angle when showing different Pokemon.
- scene 15 also had eye level angle when the protagonists and antagonists were presented.
- scene 17 also shows the inclusion of an eye level angle by showing the side characters looking at the viewer.
- scene 18 had a low angle when showing a Charizard breathing fire from a lower perspective.
- scene 16 also presents a low angle when the camera is moving near the feet of several people and Pokemon.
- scene 18 had a high angle when showing Ash and his friends dodging the Charizard's Flame from a higher perspective.
- scene 10 had a low angle when the camera was facing upwards towards Pikachu and Raichu fighting.
- scene 11 had a low angle when the camera shows Ekans and koffing laughing at caterpie.
- scene 13 has another low angle having the camera look up to show a tentacruel smashing a building.
- In the first scene the camera is panning left in the video
- In scene 2 the camera is zooming outward away from Ash.
- In scene 6 the camera is implementing a pan, where the camera followes Ash, Rapidash and Arcanine running to the left side of the screen. This scene also includes a tilt when Rapidash Jumps into the sky showing Zapdos and Articuno.
- scene 8 also includes a pan following Ash and Pikachu as they rode on a Lapras in the ocean.
- scene 14 includes a tilt upward showing Ash having his hand raised with a Pokeball in it.
- scene 16 includes an upward tilt showing Pikachu jumping into the air.
- scene 20 zooms out to show Pikachu and multiple other pokemon flying into battle.
- scene 21 zooms in when Ash throws his Pokeball.
- In scene 1 a close up is included when showing ash looking into the sky.
- In scene 1 there is also a wide shot showing Ash in a stadium.
- In scene 4 Ash is shown in a grassy field wide shot
- Most of the other scenes were wide shots and long shots from scene 5 to scene 12
- In scene 13, a Tentacreul is shown at a medium shot.
- The 15th scene shows the protagonists in a 3 shot.
- In scene 17 the some side characters are shown in a 4 shot
- In scene 18 Charizard is shown in a medium close up.
- In scene 19 the main protagonists are shown on the left of the screen, and on the right squirtle is running toward them in this wide shot.
- In scene 21 ash is shown in a long shot.
- Ash wears a blue vest and a white and black shirt underneath, with light blue long pants. He also wears a red hat with green gloves.
- Misty wears a yellow crop top with red suspenders and light denim shorts.
- Brock wears his orange t-shirt underneath a green jacket with darker green trim, a brown belt with a silver buckle and brown pouches, light brown cargo pants with gold and white striped cuffs, and blue and light green sneakers.
- Professor Oak Oak wears a white lab coat, a light maroon polo shirt, a brown belt, beige pants, and matching brown loafers.
- Officer Jenny wears a light blue police officer uniform
- Nurse Joy wears a white nurse cap, a white vintage apron, a light pink mid dress, and a white pair of Mary Janes.
- Garry wears a white short-sleeved dress shirt underneath a teal vest, a red tie, khaki trousers, and black dress shoes.
- Jesse and James wore a white team rocket uniform with a Red R on it, along with grey gloves and boots.
- The lighting stays the same throughout most of the video, other than when Ash was in the stadium at the beginning.
- There was one singer for this animated music video: Jason Paige
- there was no makeup used for this video
- A pokeball
- The video starts in a stadium, then a grassy field, A dark room, Grassy plains, The Ocean, A gym battle, the grass type gym, In a city where a Tentacruel is destroys a building, rocky area, in front of a brick wall, in the forest, on a path, in the sky.
- the pokemon theme playing for the whole video
- In the first scene included a cutaway, when the screen shows a side view of ash then it suts to him being in a atadium.
- Also this video is mainly made up of cuts

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