Movie Research: Thriller-Escape Room

•What conventions of the genre that you

chose to base your final task on does this

movie have?

In escape room, they use dim or dark lighting which is a convention from the movie that I would like to use. I also would like to use close up shot like used in the movie to show suspense. I also might use over the shoulder shot which is used several times in the film.

• What conventions) of the genre did the

movie have that you liked?

One convention from this film that I liked were the multiple uses of close up shots, which I liked because it helped to show the emotions of the characters. Another convention I liked for the genre I chose  was the dim lighting in this movie to create suspense. Also another convention I liked was the several POV shots used in the film.

• What conventions of the genre did the

movie have that did not appeal to you

and you are thinking of not filming for

your final task?

There are a few conventions of this film that I might not use for my film.  For example bird's eye view is a a type of shot I wouldn't use because it would be hard for me to film. Also, three shot would be another type of shot I wouldn't use because of inconvenience. High angle is another one I wouldn't use because I wouldn't know where to place the camera.


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