Planning Blog: Title design

 The opening credits of my film will appear in a thin font that fades into the center the screen. Some credits, though few, will be moved toward the bottom of the screen. And other credits will be moved to the side of the screen.

● Working Title: The title of this film is likely to be “Digging shadows” 

● It will be Sora Bold Font and in proper uppercase lowercase style: Something Along This Style.

 ● Titles will all fade onto the screen. They will appear with a fade and disappear with a fade. 

● Titles will disappear after 1 or 2 seconds. 

● Depending on the color of the scene I will be using White Font or black font. It will look something like this: Directed By: Brandt Forgue 

● The first name of the person who hold the job will be 1-2 size larger than the rest of the words. It would look like this but a bit bigger: Directed By: Brandt Forgue


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