The song that I'm using is called: "Gotta Catch them all" by Jason Paige Props I might use might be a pokeball, along with some plushies or my dogs to represent pokemon. Along with binoculars. My costume will include a gray hoodie, grey shirt, Black gloves, Blue jeans, Black shoes or Blue shoes, A white or Navy Hat. My schedule for recording might consist of some days from Oct 15-25 and Preparation for this will probably happen before Oct 15. Editing might happen on days close to Nov 1. The location of the Video will consist of Areas near/close to my house or in my house. The Backup plan for if anything goes wrong- 1. Don't panic, 2. If i can't record with my phone I'll ask my mom to borrow hers, 3. If some of my clothing is in the wash when I need to record, either find something different to wear for the video, or wait till the laundry is finished, 4. If I cannot record on certain days then I'll try to record before hand, but if necessary I'll reco...
I am researching this website because it has many different choices for opening sequences to research for good titles. This website is also good to research video games and tv shows. This website also shows different creators of films on the website. It has a tab for studios that create these films as well that lists them from A-z in alphabetical order. There is also a search tab on the top of the website to help users find what they're searching for. This website also shows student projects, for example the dark knight rises, Sirens of titan and Motherless Brooklyn. This website also shows feature film titles like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. some exaples of video games on this website include:Gods of war and killzone. Overall this website has a lot of options for me to go through when looking for title examples. There should be plenty of examples to choose from for this title research and base my opening sequence off of.
I decided to start recording some scenes after I got off from work, which was at night. I chose night time to record because I thought it fit better with the genre of my film. After work once I got home, I started to prepare to record by getting my costume and props ready. I dressed In an orange shirt and blue jeans for the main character I would be portraying for the first few scenes. The prop that I used was a flashlight because of most of the scenes happening at night. On the night of Saturday, feb 10 I got my mom to help me set up for filming. I got my clothes and my prop ready to record, but some problems arose when filming. Me and my mom had a little bit of communication issues. For example, when she was filming me, and I asked her to film an over the shoulder shot and when we filmed it it didn't look right the first time. So after this, we re-recorded that scene a few more times because in the first take my mom recorded too much of my shoulder. The next few time...
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