Production Blog: recording more videos for MV
I Planned to record a few parts for my music video the Sunday of last week. It was on October 29 that I started to record and revise the way I was going to record. I planned on recording and revising after my Chinese class. But, While I was in my Chinese class my mom and I realized my teacher's house had a power outage and was unable to teach me for that day. After this happened I decided to go and revise my story board and what I would like to record. I went to my computer during this process to rewatch the pokemon theme, to see what I would need to change. I was planning to ask my mom to help me with recording but she wasn't feeling well. She said she would've been able to help me after A while after she rested in her bed. So she rested and I was rewatching the pokemon theme, but I realized after a while that it would be better if I did the recording with my brother instead. I asked him to help me record but he was so impatient to get it done so he could go back to playi...